Security · Supply Chain Hacking

Government Susceptible to Supply Chain Hacking

Ok, so I don’t exactly have my shocky face on for this but a lot of Police and other security agencies got hacked through a supplier. Given the poor security at the city, county, state, and, all too often, federal levels of government, digital government should scare everyone. This time the supply chain vendor was… Continue reading Government Susceptible to Supply Chain Hacking


Why Security is Important and Why DevOps Should Scare You

Developers have never, traditionally, had to consider security. Getting their code to run was their only concern. Yet under the DevOps (not DevSecOps) model they have been tasked with configuring things to run “in the Cloud” with little to no security training and no security practice. Yet their actions have real world consequences. Every company… Continue reading Why Security is Important and Why DevOps Should Scare You

Encryption · Security

Why Digital Government Should Scare You

Only 27% of the data about you held by government agencies is encrypted in the Europen Union. With GDPR, you’d think that Europe would be more secure. A recent study says that 97% of businesses and other entities in Europe “use sensitive personal data” as part of their digital transformation. In short moving from paper… Continue reading Why Digital Government Should Scare You


Twitter Shuts Down Thousands of Chinese, Russian and Turkish Accounts

Social media is the scourge of the 21st century Me In an effort to stop the Chinese disnformation campaign about Hong Kong, Tiwan, COVID and others, Twitter has shut down and removed 23,000 primary accounts and are investigating another 150,000 who act as amplifiers, retweeting the disinformation. Adding to the problem is the Russian disinformation… Continue reading Twitter Shuts Down Thousands of Chinese, Russian and Turkish Accounts

Apple · Security

For the Apple Fanbois who keep say Mac can’t be hacked

It is hacked… again. Its just that Apple doesn’t like admitting it. Shlayer Mac is back….. and sneakier than ever. Its hiding out currently as Flash Player installer on poisoned web sites. Visit the site… get told you need Flash Player…the ‘installer’ downloads… you run it… and voila! You are pwnd and all your cpu… Continue reading For the Apple Fanbois who keep say Mac can’t be hacked